Here are some links to great sites about health, life, homework, and reading!
General Health
Planned Parenthood Reproductive health information and answers to common questions
Teen Health General health information for teens and young adults
YO Disabled and Proud Connecting, Organizing, & Educating Youth with Disabilities
Young Womens' Health Website with resources to help teen girls, their parents, educators, and health care providers improve their understanding of normal health and development, as well as of specific diseases and conditions
Young Mens' Health Website with resources to help empower teen boys and young men around the world to take an active role in their own health care.
College and Career
Do Something Get active in national campaigns
FinAid Financial aid guide
My Department of Defense information on job searching, college, and the military
Scholar Match Crowdfunded scholarship resource
Crisis Information and Counseling
It Gets Better Messages of solidarity and support for LGBT youth
National Runaway Safeline Services for those thinking of running away or wanting to come home
Ok2Talk Website where young adults can anonymously share their experiences with mental illness and find relevant resources
Teen Line Online support for any kind of crisis
Homework Live homework help, Study tools, 24/7 help center, writing lab, and MORE!
PVLD Database Page High School and Middle School Research, JSTOR, Literary Reference Center, Rosetta Stone, and MORE!
Credo Reference Over 11,000 Topic Pages covering thousands of topics that are updated with related readings.
Reading and Writing
Epic Reads Browse through YA books, see what's publishing soon, or search by genre
Figment Share your writing and connect with other readers
NaNoWriMo National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) resources for young people
Teen Reads Your source for YA books, reviews, and reading lists