Teacher Loan Cards
To obtain a teacher loan card, simply apply for a library card - if you don't already have one - and bring proof of your current employment in a teaching position at a school (including pre-schools), college or university. Teacher loan cards are updated annually.
- Movies borrowed on a teacher loan card are exempt from fees for one loan period. Movies borrowed on a teacher loan card have the standard loan period of 2 days or 7 days. For movies with a 7 day loan period, additional weeks may be added at checkout for the regular $1 per week fee. Movies may be renewed 1 time for the regular fee. Fines do accrue on overdue movies.
- The teacher loan period for other materials is 6 weeks. (Limits on high demand items & formats may apply)
- Most items borrowed on a teacher loan card may be renewed 1 time for a period of 3 weeks. Items on which holds have been placed by another patron may not be renewed.
- All other usual fees apply to items checked out on teacher loan cards.
- The teacher, not the school, is responsible for all items and fees borrowed on a teacher loan card.
Bring the library to your classroom
Librarians can visit your classroom to:
- Teach your students how to use the library online with their Student Success Card - perfect for I-search projects, reports and science experiments.
- Perform booktalks – quick chats about fantastic books that intrigue, entertain and inspire your class.
- Tell stories – support character development programs, encourage imagination and critical thinking skills, enhance social studies curriculum, serve as a springboard for creative writing.
- Plan a field trip to the library for any of the above services. Your students can have a tour of the library, do their own research, see our extensive collections, and check out books too.
What else can the library do for you?
- Take a look at our ready-made booklists for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure, Multicultural stories, Humor, Historical Fiction, Easy Nonfiction and more!
- Ask us to customize a booklist, bibliography or pathfinder for your class assignments.
- Is your assigned reading list more than a few years old? Let us do the work of refreshing and updating it!
- Want some books for silent reading or a special assignment or topic? We call pull books and have them ready for you to pick up. If you have a long list, be sure to give us at least 24 hours!
- Visit your department or faculty meetings