Board of Library Trustees The Palos Verdes Library District is a Special District governed by a Board of Library Trustees which consists of five elected members who must be qualified voters and residents of the District. |
Borrowing Information Patrons can have a maximum of 100 items checked out. To use any library service, the fines on your library card must be less than $25.00. |
B.U.I.L.D. Building, Understanding, Informing, Leading, and Developing. PVLD is committed to creating a racially equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for the Peninsula and PVLD staff. |
Director's Report A list of past monthly reports |
Governance & Finance Palos Verdes Library District Financial Statements |
Human Resources The Department provides a full range of human resources services including recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, benefits administration, employee safety training, workers' compensation program. |
Mission & Vision Our mission and vision statements. |
Policies & Procedures Policies and procedures of the Palos Verdes Library District |
Share Feedback PVLD strives to meet the needs of our community and its residents, and we welcome you to share your thoughts on library services, collections, and programs. |
Staff Directory A selection of library staff and management at the Palos Verdes Library District |
Strategic Principles This document outlines guiding principles for the Palos Verdes Library District. |
Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer with the Palos Verdes Library District. Fill out an online application today! |
- Catalog
- eLibrary
- Events
- Research and Learn
- Adults
- Kids
- Teens
- Art in Our Library
- Book Clubs
- Books-by-mail
- Borrow from Another Library
- Equipment Checkout
- Exam Proctoring
- For Teachers
- Meeting Room Rentals
- Mobile Printing
- Notary Public
- Parks Pass
- Passport Services
- Public Computers
- Scanning and Copying
- Student Success Cards
- Study Rooms
- Suggest a Program
- Suggest a Title
- Weddings
- We Browse For You
- Wi-Fi
- Local History
- About Us